Baltimore Half Marathon

Once again i was in front of the house for the Baltimore Half Marathon and again took several thousand snaps. This year I decided to process the decent ones and post them on Smugmug. These images are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Which means you can use them for yourself for non-commercial purposes.  There are full size downloads available by double-clicking on the large image on the right and choosing O(riginal) from the menu on the top. I also went back and did the same for the 2010 running. 

For runners, these were all taken on the last block of East Pratt Street, between Maderia Street and South Patterson Park Avenue. Soryy, I couldn't get you all but I did manage about 700 usuable snaps in 2011 and about 550 in 2010. I was more on my game last year and think that photographically they are better but inay case at least some of you get to see yourself at the top of the first hill on the route.

With two exceptions, both years are in oder by time, if you click the I button you can see the time the shot was taken.  I was at about the 2.5 mile mark. The only exception is moving the last two snaps in the 2011 gallery from about two minutes earlier to the end.

For the 2011 Baltimore Half Marathon images click here or on the image below.

The 2011 Baltimore Half Marathon Leaders crest Butcher's HillFor the 2010 Baltimore Half Marathon images click here or on the image below.  (Estimated full availability 10:30AM 10/17/11)

The 2010 Baltimore Half Marathon leader crests Butcher's Hill

FoPP Members Event

So I went the Friends of Patterson Park Members Event and took a a couple of hundred miserable snaps. Wrong seetings, at a minimum, plenty of wrong headed snaps too.  A couple that are halfway decent both from the inside of the Pagoda and a couple of ouside shots.

Patterson Park Pagoda Stairs

Patterson Park Pagoda Stairwell

Bluegrass on the north steps of the Patterson Park Pagoda

Silent auction at the FoPP Members Event

Friends of Patterson Park ...

are having a members event tomorrow night at the Pagoda.  I was asked if I would donate some prints for the silent auction, so there will be two sets of five.  One from Maine the other from Kansas.  This was on short notice so I decided to defer the Baltimore prints, which are more extensive and take more time to select, until the spring

Penobscot Bay, Maine

Cawker City, Kansas, Cars and Trucks


Edgar checks out the harbor

So the Supik's invited me to a fund raiser for the Poe House at the Creative Alliance last night.  It was run in conjuction with the folks who brew Raven Special Lager.  Mark Supik & Co. make the Raven tap handles and one was on offer via auction.  Turns out in addition to having a great time, Edgar came home with me. This morning I decided to give him a look around from Veranda number four.  

Three shot HDR sandwich, Canon 5D Mark II, 45 2.8L TS-E, ISO 100, f/8.0, bracketed around 1/250, on the Gitzo. FWIW, beer tap handles are the same size and thread as camera tripod mount (who would have guessed) so Edgar is checking out the Baltimore scene from the top of a light stand.

Snap expected to appear shortly on the brewers web site,


Vinalhaven sunrise

Working through new George DeWolfe book (on paper actually) B&W Printing.  Interesting also bought another of his books as an eBook, the eBook was twice the price of the paper one, delivered.  Not much linkage between cost and price here.

Anyway, lots of new finishing techniques in this for me, especially the use of the history brush for sharpening and dodge and burn.  Could be something here.

Vinalhaven boathouse sunrise

El tree amigos

My spanish today reflects my spanish then — actually aaserting "my spanish" is nuts, I have no spanish or anything else for that matter. Nevertheless, I liked these three trees in November of 2007 and I liked them last weekend. Trying to be a bit less heavy handed with the B&W conversion, while at the same time making the trees pop. Not so sure this is it but ...

On the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve.

Three Trees - KS 177 betwee Strong City and Council Grove

And — down the road a piece. An abandoned house under the contrails.

Flint Hills

of Kansas. A variety of snaps.  Probably will move some around later.  The ones that are here are from Burns, Volland and the Tallgrass Prairie National Monument. Click here or the snap to wiz off to the gallery.

Abandoned elevator - Burns, KS

The Flint Hills

The Oklahoma state Fair was somewhat of a bust, for a variety of reasons, more on that later but the Flint Hills of Kansas surely were not.  For starters the Lower Fox Creek School, on KS 117, north of Cottonwood Falls at sunrise this AM.  Nothing beats great light.

Lower Fox Creek School - Tallgrass National Prairie

The big time...

So I am in OKC and the Oklahoma State Fair is on until Sunday.  Got me some tickets to the bull riding tonite. Whooooeeeee — this is the big time especially compared to the Maryland edition.  Flint Hills of Kansas on Saturday and Sunday.  

Turned out to be not so compelling — snaps at some point. Pretty large backlog with the better Kansas snaps. Here is one of the few.

National Anthem - Extreme Bull Riding

Risky business

In the first snap Peter Ralston is talking to a Vinalhaven lobster fisherman about his near tragic accident the day before. The man fishes alone without a sternman and the day before he was pulled over the side by a trap he was setting. The boat was in gear and motored off. He swam 45 minutes to a ledge where he was finally recused hours later. His boat, the Good 'Nuff, ran around on another ledge and is in the yard for repairs. Apparently one of the lucky, generally overboads perish and are rarely found.

Will post all of the Maine shots to SmugMug in the next day or so.  This post will have the link when they are up. In the mean time there are two galleries here on the blog here and here.

The SmugGalleries all WIP.

Day 1 - Portland

Day 2 - St. George's Penninsula

Day 3 - Rockport Harbor

Day 4 - Penobscot Bay

Day 5 - St. George's Penninsula

Ralston and the Lobsterman

Vinalhaven lobsterman and survivor

More Maine

Day 3. Just a few from yet another long day.  More somtime next week and some time to catch up with the 5,000+ snaps so far since arriving in Portland Saturday night. Click on snap to wizz off to the gallery. The galleries now include the Salt Girls of Port Clyde.

Port Clyde Rover

From Vermont...

you get Maple Syrup. From Maine you get snaps.  Yesterday, all day yesterday, on Penobscot Bay and the Islands. Foggy start then stunning light. More as the week goes on.

Need to turn in some snaps, click the snap below to see a gallery of them. The one below with the Fuji X100 the rest with the 5D Mk II.

Foggy beginnings - Rockland Harbor 

Marland State Fair - Animals

Cow Barn

X100, 35mm,  f/2.8, ISO 1250, 1/75.

Chill dude!

X100, 35mm,  f/2.8, ISO 1250, 1/120.

Cow Barn Do.

5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/1000, ISO 1600.

Cow Barn Kid I

5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/640, ISO 1600.
Cow Barn Kid II

X100, 35mm,  f/2.8, ISO 1250, 1/30.

From behind

Swine Barn

X100, 35mm,  f/25.6, ISO 1250, 1/50.

Who are the swine men — who can they be?

Maryland State Fair — Horse pull

First of a number from the Maryland State Fair from this evening.  

Low light and a low light elevation intrusive background — buried under a Color Efex Pro Midnight filter with the horses masked out. Some additional burning.

5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/50, ISO 1600.

No strain releif

This guy acted like an owner — the Jerry Jones of the horse pull league.

5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/160, ISO 1600.


5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/250, ISO 1600.

Nothing runs like a Deere

5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/100, ISO 3200.

Hookin' up

5D Mk II, with 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 @ f/6.3, 1/40, ISO 3200.

The powers that be