First of a number from the Maryland State Fair from this evening.
Low light and a low light elevation intrusive background — buried under a Color Efex Pro Midnight filter with the horses masked out. Some additional burning.
5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/50, ISO 1600.
No strain releif
This guy acted like an owner — the Jerry Jones of the horse pull league.
5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/160, ISO 1600.
5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/250, ISO 1600.
Nothing runs like a Deere
5D Mk II, with 85 f/1.2 @ f/1.8, 1/100, ISO 3200.
Hookin' up
5D Mk II, with 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 @ f/6.3, 1/40, ISO 3200.
The powers that be