El tree amigos

My spanish today reflects my spanish then — actually aaserting "my spanish" is nuts, I have no spanish or anything else for that matter. Nevertheless, I liked these three trees in November of 2007 and I liked them last weekend. Trying to be a bit less heavy handed with the B&W conversion, while at the same time making the trees pop. Not so sure this is it but ...

On the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve.

Three Trees - KS 177 betwee Strong City and Council Grove

And — down the road a piece. An abandoned house under the contrails.

The Flint Hills

The Oklahoma state Fair was somewhat of a bust, for a variety of reasons, more on that later but the Flint Hills of Kansas surely were not.  For starters the Lower Fox Creek School, on KS 117, north of Cottonwood Falls at sunrise this AM.  Nothing beats great light.

Lower Fox Creek School - Tallgrass National Prairie