This a place holder for the main post for the trip from Denver International Airport to Kansas City International Airport. The "transit stages" were along I70 from DEN to Colby, KS and from Manhattan, KS to MCI. The snaps are from just east Colby to just west of Clay Center along US 24, mostly through the Solomon River Valley from Hoxie to Glasco.
US 24 is an fabulous road, in superb condition. It is like half of a two lane interstate, with traffic flow in both directions. Note the word flow 'cause there sure ain't no traffic. Posted at a non-enforced 65 — driven at 85. A hoot all by itself, although something further up the Hertz prestige curve would have been a nice addition. That wasn't to be, this trip was done on the cheap, on points, the car and the hotel both gratis and the part of the world limited the food spending to under $50 ($30 of that at the KC Airport Marriott). Tolls on the Kansas pike were $2.50. So as usual the biggest cost of taking digital photos was gas, the Dodge Journey managed just over 20mpg at what was mostly 85mph but zooming the 640 miles ate up about $125 worth of gas — worth every bit of it. The detritus level in north central Kansas is high and it is very photographically accessible.
My detritus observation will be exemplified out over the next day or so as I get the snaps processed and posted. When I remembered, I grabbed the GPS coordinates, although, even forgetful use, killed the iPhone by the time I got to Manhattan — need to remember bring a DC charger.
The snaps will probably wind up in a gallery but just to get things started here are a few, that will likely get moved as this post evolves.
Just east of Colby — happy harbinger of stuff to come.

Main Street, Hoxie.

Around 5th and 6th Streets in Moreland.

A couple of high key snaps from hot and dusty 4th Street in Penokee.

US 24 in Hill City.

Main Street in Bogue.

On US 24 in Stockton.

On US 24 at Hobart Street in Glen Elder.

Multitasking in Glen Elder

At one time gasoline in Glen Elder