The X100 arrived while I was up north in the Hub. Got to pick it up at the office on Friday, couple shots in the office, running to a medical appointment, then home with a bunch of calls unfortunately booked for a gorgeous Spring Friday afternoon. Then, wrong keys, locked out and a wait for RN to get back. So over to Patterson Park and some pagoda and fountain snaps. The X100 draws, as Sean Reid would say, uniquely. Snaps don't look like the Canons ones at all, maybe because of a weaker or non-existent AA filter, actually doesn't matter why — the snaps sure are good looking.
Pretty normal RAW post processing (with ACR in Photoshop as Aperture doesn't have support yet), except the close-up where the peeling paint has been made more peeling via a pretty heavy dose of Nik Tonal Contrast. I like this camera, it is going to fill its role perfectly — serious photography in a smaller than DSLR package. It will be coming to Boston tomorrow and along to Denver later in the week. I was only going to bring the X100 but I decided to take a boat tour of Cape Ann and I am sure I am going to want more reach, so the 7D and 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS are coming too. The 50mm f/1.8 is small and light so it is in the bag but the intent is to use the X100 everywhere it makes sense.
35mm, ISO 200, 1/1000, f/2.0, standard Nashification post processing except Nik Tonal Contrast to emphasize the peeling paint.

35mm, ISO 400, 1/120, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing
35mm, ISO 400, 1/420, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing

35mm, ISO 400, 1/450, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing