First FOPP Concert of 2014
Cable Stine and the Brakemen tonite on Pagoda Hill. Bunch of snaps with the now lightly used 5D Mk III with long lenses. Started out with the 135 f/2 but that didn't last long, the rest with the 70-300 and the 100-400. Very different than the wide angle approach I have been pursuing lately.
Click here or on the snap below to see the gallery — mostly the band along with several stunning dogs.
Kinetic Sculpture Race
The AVAM annual race. Starts in Federal Hill in the AM gets to Patterson Park after lunch for the sand and mud pits. As usual I go to the sand pit. Snaps to from and at the parade in the gallery. A couple of the architectural dig going on in the park re: War of 1812. Same camera configuration as the earlier-in-the-day alley snaps. I think I should have switched to the 28 the 20 was too wide or at least it was too wide for me doing this kind of stuff.
Big flurry of new blog items here since Friday night, this is the third, so there might be some ones unseen in the two below. Per usual click here or on the snap to see the rest.
A walk in the park
On what might appear superficialy to be a crappy day for a walk in the park turns out to be the complete opposite. The rain which is a bad match for a stroll is the perfect compliment for a rugby match. This one facing off Johns Hopkins and Loyola on a partially denuded field made more interesting by a liberal dumping of rain.
These all on the 5D Mk III with the 28 f/2.8 IS ala mode Mel Digiacomo, meaning as close as one can get without going on the field. Digiacomo would have likely gone on the field but I have the neither the chutzpah nor the photo skills to get away with that.
The risk is to some degree getting hit by a player but since this is college club rugby and not the International the risk is not particularly high. While the risk of getting hit is actually high — the impact is not. The guy below in the color snap missed the tackle but didn't miss me. He well... er... bounced off. I was left merely with some muddy residue from the contact.
Two galleries, replicas except one is in color the other B&W. Take your pick. Click on the respective snaps below or here for color and here for B&W.
Two more galleries
A combo plan — so I don't set any expectations by having three blog posts in a day. So if you are looking at this becuase you got a blog update notice, check out the next item down as well.
So after the last post, Loch Raven, &c. it started snowing, so back out with the A7r and the Canon 135 f/2.0 on the Metabones. Shot wide open on the way out, at f/8.0 on the way back. A twenty-five minute walk to the park and back. Can't resist playing in the snow. Things haven't changed much since the six slid over a digit to the left. The gallery is shown by clicking here or on the christmas tree lights below.
The other gallery is one of those expiramental things — created in lieu of making new snaps yesterday. Saw a blog that had lots of these, by a local who supposedly has some chops, so... despite KHH's dis of the same on Insta, I gave it a shot anyway. For sure will be the subject of considerable dissin' myself. Hah! So for the seudeo artsy gallery click here or on Domino all the way at the bottom.
Super passtime
Wainting for the game to start. A walk up the street and around the park. Click here or on the snap below for the rest on smugmug.Ruski ducks?
Musical memory
The Ellicot City posting (a few down from earlier today) reminded me that I have a bunch of snaps from several more concerts in Patterson Park. Here are some of the better ones.
Elikeh, in the Park...
A day at the races
well maybe more like an hour. Groucho wasn't there either. Fine art bicycle race photography or maybe just OOF bicycle race photography.
The first turn
Tree House
I guess the design build guys are the preferred route when it comes to roof tops in Baltimore. Sure looks like the architects are being shunned. Tree houses for grown-ups with vernacular tree house design. Hah!
South Patterson Park Avenue, fronting the west side of the park, late on a winter afternoon. Taken to enhance the grain, ISO 6400, 1/6400, f/9.0. Had plenty of aperture available with the 85 f/1.2L mounted on the 5D Mk II. Aspect ratio (5x12 cropped along the short side) and platinum toning as profs to new role model Tillman Crane.
Tree House
Front and back
Some sanps out of the front 4th floor windows and on the 4th floor porch this AM. All treated with faux Ektachrome 100VS via Alien Skin's Exposure 3.
Flag atop Hamstead Hill
Pratt Street Frieze
Pratt Street Turret
Fronting Paterson Park
Harbor East
Fells and Locust Points
Friday the 13th Stars
Apparently some flags in Baltimore have 13 not 50 stars, this one is in Patterson Park. Oooops, I guess not, according to Wikipedia, the Baltimore flag is 15 stripes and 15 stars, which was the flag in 1812. I guess I am going to have to count them. In any case, the snap was taken through the window from the fourth floor front as Friday the 13th, 2011 winds down. That 15 star thing kinda of blows the raison d´être for the image — well maybe it will have 13 stripes.
X100, f2.0, ISO 3200 at 1/17. Silver Efex Pro 2 Selective Color.
The Pagoda and the Fuji
The X100 arrived while I was up north in the Hub. Got to pick it up at the office on Friday, couple shots in the office, running to a medical appointment, then home with a bunch of calls unfortunately booked for a gorgeous Spring Friday afternoon. Then, wrong keys, locked out and a wait for RN to get back. So over to Patterson Park and some pagoda and fountain snaps. The X100 draws, as Sean Reid would say, uniquely. Snaps don't look like the Canons ones at all, maybe because of a weaker or non-existent AA filter, actually doesn't matter why — the snaps sure are good looking.
Pretty normal RAW post processing (with ACR in Photoshop as Aperture doesn't have support yet), except the close-up where the peeling paint has been made more peeling via a pretty heavy dose of Nik Tonal Contrast. I like this camera, it is going to fill its role perfectly — serious photography in a smaller than DSLR package. It will be coming to Boston tomorrow and along to Denver later in the week. I was only going to bring the X100 but I decided to take a boat tour of Cape Ann and I am sure I am going to want more reach, so the 7D and 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS are coming too. The 50mm f/1.8 is small and light so it is in the bag but the intent is to use the X100 everywhere it makes sense.
35mm, ISO 200, 1/1000, f/2.0, standard Nashification post processing except Nik Tonal Contrast to emphasize the peeling paint.
35mm, ISO 400, 1/120, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing
35mm, ISO 400, 1/420, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing
35mm, ISO 400, 1/450, f/8.0, standard Nashification post processing