Stiched foggy morning

No clever comments for this just the specs, actually, 17 shots, Heiicon Focus focus merged, front to back twice, then stictched in to a pano.  Although with the 45 TSE-E rotataed because the shift was in use to keep the camera level.  Need to use the macro slide to get the entrance pupil correctly positioned.  Practice, practice — tuning up for the North Dakota workshop.  Quite large if printed at 300ppi ~ 39" x 12".  5D Mark II, 45mm TS-E f/2.8, ISO 100, f/5.6, +1 EV, 1/100 on the Gitzo.

So here is the redo with the macro slide and the no-paralax (aka, entrance pupil, nodal point) set correctly. Gitzo lowered to eliminate the need to shift with the 45mm TS-E but the composition could have dealt with the rail better.



Tree House

I guess the design build guys are the preferred route when it comes to roof tops in Baltimore.  Sure looks like the architects are being shunned. Tree houses for grown-ups with vernacular tree house design. Hah!

South Patterson Park Avenue, fronting the west side of the park, late on a winter afternoon.  Taken to enhance the grain, ISO 6400, 1/6400, f/9.0. Had plenty of aperture available with the 85 f/1.2L mounted on the 5D Mk II.  Aspect ratio (5x12 cropped along the short side) and platinum toning as profs to new role model Tillman Crane.

Tree House

Gray on gray

Gray day with some black and white conversions to match. Three handheld bracketed images each.  Blended in Photomatix, conversion in Silver Efex Pro 2.  5D Mk II, 85 f/1.2 L at f/9.0, ISO 1600 to get some noise, middle exposures ~ 1/1000. From Veranda #4 as usual.



34161 - Vinalhaven

Printed 34161 from the September Peter Ralston workshop in Maine, along with a bunch of others to hang around the aerie.  Did 34161 two different ways, liked them both.  Interesting the difference in mood. Snaped from a lobster boat just before 8:00AM on a foggy Spetember 13th morning in Carver's Harbor on Vinalhaven.  5D Mk II, ISO 100, 310mm (100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS), f/5.6 at 1/800.  Printed 12x18 on the Epson 4900 with the Imageprint RIP on Epson Exhibition Fiber. Post processing principly in Alien Skin Exposure 2 and Nik Color Efex 4.  Framed 18x24, matted with Rising Museum Board cut on the Easterly SpeedMat. Stunning!


Queen of de hop...

Oh well I love my queen.
Do you know who I mean?
Sweet little sixteen
Yes, that's my queen.

Well, she wears short shorts and a rock 'n roll shoes.
You ought to see her dance to the yellow dog blues.
She's my sugar time baby, I'm her lollipop,
An' everybody knows I love my queen of de hop

Queen of de hopReminds me of the chick who the cousin who got affluent in the auto body business hooked and moved to the faux chic gated community who you only saw at weddings and funerals down from the haughty burbs doing some slumming at J. Patricks (cash only mind you) in Locust Point, in the shadow of the (now très elégant) Silo. Babbittry exemplified.


Front and back

Some sanps out of the front 4th floor windows and on the 4th floor porch this AM.  All treated with faux Ektachrome 100VS via Alien Skin's Exposure 3.

Flag atop Hamstead HillPratt Street Frieze

Pratt Street Turret

Fronting Paterson Park

Harbor East

Fells and Locust Points

Up on the roof top...

whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.  No not St. Nick but maybe prepping for his arrival.  A new roof 50 yards away - Patterson Park Avenue. On Tuesday the 20th. Safeway smokestack in Canton and the Key Bridge in the background.  7D with 100 - 400L @300 to 400mm.

Looking for excitement?

Releasing the adhesive

Releasing the adhesive - detail

Prepping for St. Nick

Celtic Solstice

Was at the race this morning, lots and lots of snaps — ~2,400. Will put a few up here and will link to a smugmug gallery or two for the ones that make the cut, as I get through them. All RAWS of course so it takes a while to get them selected, processed and uploaded. All of the snaps (~825) are uploaded click here or on any of the snaps below to jet off to smugmug. 

These images will be available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Which means you can use them for yourself for non-commercial purposes.  There are full size downloads available on smugmug by double-clicking on the large image on the right and choosing O(riginal) from the menu on the top.

BTW, my approach to shooting races is to seek isloated, interesting faces, so I shoot with a long lens and a wide aperture, creating a very narrow depth of field — one thing (usually a face) in focus and everthing else out-of-focus and blurred. For those who care, all the snaps here were taken with a Canon 7D with a 70-200 f/2.8L lens, some were taken with a 1.4 extender in-place.  The exif information is available for the snaps posted on smugmug. 

This snap was early, before the race and they are the only people who got the blog URL. I wonder if they remember. They were hot to get snapped until I told them I wasn't an official photographer, they hemmed and hawed, then they said what the hell — earning themselves the top slot.

The equivolcal subjects

The leaders at about 1 3/4 miles

The leaders at the 3 mile mark



Kristen Kringle and elf escort

Why drive to Cherry Hill

when M Street NW is so convenient.  Especially if you have to gas up here with a $1.20 per gallon premium. Not only not Cherry Hill but also not at 3:00AM either.  Corner of M and 22nd Streets NW at about 5:15PM. X100, f/2.0 ISO 640. Shutter speeds between 1/40 and 1/60.

A little different appraoach up M toward Georgetown.

DCFD Truck #2

Miracle on 34th Street...

Baltimore style.  A sucessful visit to Hampden tonite.  A few posted here along with a gallery to follow and maybe a smug mug gallery if there are enough.  Need to make a return trip with a wider angle lens, 24mm isn't quite enough to take this all in.  Hah!

Have long heard about this street but didn't know where it was until we tripped acrossed it going to the art museum and missing the expressway exit. Strange bedfellows.

All with then 5D Mk II and the 24-70 f/2.8L

Corner of W. 34th Street and Keswick Avenue

Spotted by SO

Make it a Maryland Christmas

Focus? Who needs focus — you get the picture.

Klassy Kandy Kane Kristmas