IOS apps. Here is the a WIP preview of the first one.
IOS apps. Here is the a WIP preview of the first one.
Another stunner by SO. iPhone to Poladroid to the blog. No review on the place yet, just a snap of the gritty sign — in DC at 14th and Corcoran.
Now... as Paul Harvey would say, here is the rest of the story, a serendipitous story it turns out. Sunday, I was talking to guy, a docent, if they call them that, at Longwood Gardens. I think he was dispatched to tell me about the professional photographic rules, assumed from the equipment, certainly not the photographic income level. Once we established that I was not an artist for hire, the conversation turned interesting and about DC. He tells me his daughter is the pastry chef at Black Salt, a place I have been known to frequent, and that she had taken on additional duties at another one of Black's restaurants, also in DC, somewhere near DuPont. I don't know that he told me the name but we did discuss the the prescence of a Bocci court upstairs. I now know the name, Pearl Dive. Have to check it out. Hope it turns out as good as Black Salt and the sign. Cheers Bill.
BTW, Bill gets around and we were also talking about the traffic jams and the lobsta' rolls at Red's Eats on Route 1 in Wiscasset, ME.
Pearl Dive — 14th and Corcoran, Washington DC
At Baked and Wired in G'town. Ghost post — Urban Dictionary required to decode "Get Baked". Ghost distantly related perhaps to Ned, so operating with a 3GS, ergo no Hipstamatic yielding in addition to Baked and Wired cupcakes an upside-down tech cake. Hipstamatic here simulated in Photoshop CS5, not on iPhone4 but on flush Mac Pro with JennieW actions. So go and get baked.
Flare a new snap editing tool for the Mac — iStuff work-a-like. Simple to use, media browser connects, half-heartedly (outbound to Flare only), to iPhoto and Aperture. Kinda of cool, can smash industrial strength DSLR RAWS into iPhone look-a-likes. Cool and cheap $20 ($10 until 3/18) but also trés slow on the Air as well as the Mac Pro.
Faux Polaroid Transfer
across the better part of a decade. Lots of frames within frames. The SO dropped the top two into my box yesterday, immediately reminding me of some shots from July of '04. First two frame the Severn in Anne Arundle County, MD the second two the Potomac in St. Mary's County, MD. The upper iPhoned by SO yesterday the lower mine snapped via Canon 10D in '04. Top two clearly resonate better. Fortunately, me not so... err... structured anymore.
A break in the heavy pre-Chrstmas traffic at the Harbor Tunnel heading north on 895, with the late afternoon sun lighting up the southern ventilator shaft.
In the alley, on the way to Salt, with a new Christmas coat. Also my first post using the Squarespace iPad app.