Was at the race this morning, lots and lots of snaps — ~2,400. Will put a few up here and will link to a smugmug gallery or two for the ones that make the cut, as I get through them. All RAWS of course so it takes a while to get them selected, processed and uploaded. All of the snaps (~825) are uploaded click here or on any of the snaps below to jet off to smugmug.
These images will be available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Which means you can use them for yourself for non-commercial purposes. There are full size downloads available on smugmug by double-clicking on the large image on the right and choosing O(riginal) from the menu on the top.
BTW, my approach to shooting races is to seek isloated, interesting faces, so I shoot with a long lens and a wide aperture, creating a very narrow depth of field — one thing (usually a face) in focus and everthing else out-of-focus and blurred. For those who care, all the snaps here were taken with a Canon 7D with a 70-200 f/2.8L lens, some were taken with a 1.4 extender in-place. The exif information is available for the snaps posted on smugmug.
This snap was early, before the race and they are the only people who got the blog URL. I wonder if they remember. They were hot to get snapped until I told them I wasn't an official photographer, they hemmed and hawed, then they said what the hell — earning themselves the top slot.
The leaders at about 1 3/4 miles