Tony Sweet. Three shot HDR processed according to Sweet and O'Dell's Artistic Exteriors I recipe from The Photographer's Guide to HDR Efex Pro. Sweet is from Baltimore, shot is obviously of Baltimore Harbor — from Butcher's Hill.
More Penna...
and more texture. Eastern State Pennitentary, Philadelphia. Three shot HDR, 5D Mk II, 35 f1.4L @ f8.0, on the Gitzo, March, '10.
to run today in Lancaster County, PA. Had hoped to refresh the Marietta, PA snaps from fall '05. Nothing but heavy rains all the way there and back and so a reprise of a favorite at corner of East Market Street and Strawberry Avenue. For some reason the narrower roads are called avenues in Marietta. September '05 with 10D, 24-70 f2.8 @55mm.
The Last Picture Show
Not really just my McMurtry OCD, really, Anselmo, Nebraska. Late June 2006. Maybe a couple years too new as well.
5D with 17-40 @ 35mm, not that it makes much difference after this amount of post processing.
Thinking about cars...
and springtime. A Morgan would be nice in the spring. No contest between it and the potholes around this town though.
Snap from the first day with the 5D Mk II and the 85 f1.2L iI @ 4.0. Concours d´Elegance — Lewes, DE, May 2009.
French Sole or Groton...
Depends on ones history, I guess. Warm, cool and before.
Through the fence, December '05 at the National Zoo with the then new, original 5D. Lotsa layers, TopazLab's Remask, Nik's Silver Efex 2, and many Color Efex 3 passes. Canon 5D, 70-200 + 1.4 Extender 225mm @ f4.0.
Sharpsburg dependencey
This series of bracketed snaps has vexed me since I took them in August of '05. Small shed in the back yard of a a house on the corner of West Main and North Potomac Streets, in Sharpsburg MD, near the Antietam Battlefield. The yard was dark and the outbuilding backlit. Just reedited this, probably the best of a ton of attempts since '05 but still too crunchy. HDR tools trying to make it look non-HDR.
Last time I drove past the building was intact but was shorn of its magnificent foliage.
The Big M too...
The Big Meadows deer snap raised some interest so warrants a post here. Lots of others who knew what they were doing when I was there, I am sure they grabbed far superior snaps but nevertheless... Canon 10D, 70-200 f2.8 with 1.4 extender, ISO 100 @ f4.0.
Old and behind
A message got me looking through some older snaps. This one captures older theme and the time-to-time From Behind reprise.
Sunday in the Park, National Gallery of Australia. Canberra ACT, February 2005. Canon 10D, 70-200 f2.8 @ 190mm, f4.0.
The Big M
First message on the iPhone landing at BWI yesterday (on time for the first time in quite sometime), was from Bill asking me about a photo of a deer at Big Meadows in Shenandoah National Park. Bill has a good memory, that snap was take in June '05. Drove out there real early from DC, starting out around 4AM I think. Entered the park at Thornton Gap from VA 211 and took the shot below at one of the first overlooks heading south on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Always liked this snap of the sun coming up over the Virginia Piedmont.
Wish DSLRs had built-in GPS, there are ways to do it, some easy and expensive some cheap and somewhat clumsy. It is easy and essentially free in the iPhone. Canon 10D with 24-70 f2.8 @70mm, .6s exposure on the Gitzo.
The road less taken
There were roads to the left and to the right — both low roads. But why choose the low road when the high road is available and unoccupied. However, footgear other than Alden 6245F Dark Brown Suede is recommended. Ouch!
My superheterodyne iPad app The Photographers Ephemeris calculates the altitude change as exactly 92 feet. So much much for science and automation, clearly an estimate relative to thirty-somethings.
Taken during an Atlas time out on one of the several Boston Harbor Islands that can be driven to, World's End. At the end of Martin's Lane in Hingham, beware pink and green en-route. Nice spot except for perfect alignment with 4L and 4R at Logan, across the way on some other Harbor Islands. XZ-1 with EVF, then NIKed. More snaps to follow.
Nantasket Beach from World's End. Wow, maybe too many layers, lower, upper lower, lower middle, middle...
So... the SO tells me she has reason to believe she (Graceland perhaps) is actually from Kansas — despite the MA in her passport. I am on the road again and since, unlike Dorothy, she has never sullied her ballet (ruby) slippers in The Sunflower State, I offer this snap from the American Roadways gallery on Smugmug. Just off KS 177 - Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Flint Hills, KS in November 2007. Highly dependent on RRS and the Gitzo.
A solitary tree waging the unwinnable war against grass. The longest running conflict on the planet. More
A Nashificated Nash
This Nash too lives on Butcher's Hill. On Moyer between Chester and Duncan behind the Gunther Mansion. A slice gets persistent headline billing.
Naming conventions
So Dan Z. the Younger, upon hearing of the then forthcoming, rather gratuitous, blog name change, dropped me a line cleverly suggesting In 100,000+ managed images not one of them a damned potato, so Dan you will have to accept profs for Thinking strongly of renting — Eastern Market, DC, mid-December '10. Hah!
but alas, no grommets. From last fall, Patterson Park Pagoda. 5D Mk II, 100-400, 275mm @ f5.6, ISO 400, 1/250.
Pink and Blue
Springtime in DC, cherry blossoms are out and in. Outside and inside the Blue Duck watering hole at 24th and N NW. Cherry blossoms apropos the Kobe burgers. The handy XZ-1 employed again.
Stealthy snap across the two sided bar, cherry blossoms in background, perhaps a cherry concoction of some sort on the bar. Flashless stealthiness, ISO 250, f2.5, 1/10 shutter speed bailed out by image stabilizer and the ZX-1 sitting on the bar.
Close by
Great day for a photo but fast walk through parts of Butcher's Hill and Fells Point. The side of St. Stan's on Ann Street below is soon to be not overlooking an empty lot but a new set of row houses. The rest of the take are here on SmugMug.
Truck, redux
Saturday, camerafied for a local walk, out the garage, into the alley and surprise, the Supik's fab '53 Chevy One Ton Panel truck is out and in the alley.
Thought that these might look good using the very popular "black crush" technique used in the 2007 film 300. Seems to be effective in minimizing the impact of the mid-day shadows in the alley. Tiffs exported to Flare for the 300 effect as it produces better looking output than the Aperture presets and Photoshop actions.
Smoke signals
changes afoot! Nashification to supersede sprayedink. As in Soon if not anon.
Blog addiction
so little to say today and so many posts to say it. Dinner in the Northend. No liquor license so more to follow post wine consumption recovery.
The venue and Vespa envy...
The boys crooning
Their idol