Hotel, Canal Street, NOLA, next to the Ritz. Marriott Autograph, reasonably priced, highly recommended — perhaps also my best iPhone snap to date. Certainly the first one to experience any dodging and burning.
A couple of cars parked near the front of the Hotel Roosevelt. One is, of course, a Nash!
Itsa NASH!
Red Light District
Condensation at Clancy's - uptown NOLA
Great A/C inside 90x90 outside — ergo condensation on the lens.
Condensation - Study I
Condensation - Study II
Dark and wide
Getting dark on the way back, swapped the 100 macro for the 35 f/1.4. B&W on most to kil the street lamp color cast
Pirate Ally — next to Faulkner's
Pirate Ally — including Faulkner's
The church - St. Louis Cathedral
... the drummer played on
Barber behind the Monteleone
From behind - again
Garage on Iberville
Five and dime — wide this time
It's a Schwinn
Corner of Chartres and Wilkinson Streets, NOLA. 5D Mk III, 100 Macro, ISO 2500 f/8.0 @ 1/100. More from NOLA soon, perhaps even from onboard the return.
Techo wonder. Posted from 35,000' over Dan Z. in Greenville, SC. All with the 100 Macro, the snaps on the way back with the 35 f/1.4 TBD.
From behind
Mixed Message
Simple message - Bourbon Street
Perennial Favorite — 619 Chartres Street
Five and Dime