A couple of cars parked near the front of the Hotel Roosevelt. One is, of course, a Nash!
Itsa NASH!
Red Light District
A couple of cars parked near the front of the Hotel Roosevelt. One is, of course, a Nash!
Itsa NASH!
Red Light District
British car show in West Chester, PA. Gorgeous location, a lot of nice and several really stunning cars. Starter set, all on 5D Mk III with 100 Macro and 85 f1.2 (mostly wide open).
A quick post will add some more snaps later. This was in a parking lot at Wazee and 16th Street in LoDo, Denver. Had NJ plates, interesting.
decision. Decided to forgo the buildings that normally show up here after a neighborhood camera walk and add some cars to the truck in the last post. Usually, I don't like snaps with cars in them but today it is all about selective focus with the 45 TS-E and I like the results. So here they are:
45 TS-E, Canon 5D Mk II, ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/320, tilted.
45 TS-E, Canon 5D Mk II, ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/2500, tilted.
45 TS-E, Canon 5D Mk II, ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/500, tilted.
Leadville, CO, Elevation 10,152. Heading to Colorado on Sunday, not likely to break a mile high though. Denver bound again, unfortunately likely Denver tied.
Falcon: 24-70mm f/2.8L mounted on 5D, f/8.0, ISO 400, 55mm, on the Gitzo. Two shot HDR sandwich.
Beatle: 24-70mm f/2.8L mounted on 5D, f/11.0, ISO 400, 51mm, on the Gitzo. Two shot HDR sandwich.
Imported using the camera kit, edited on the iPad, posted from the iPad.