Mc Henry Redux

About as good technically as I manage to get.  Back to McHenry for these two shots from the tripod with focus stacking using Heliocon Focus. The 5D Mk II (no bracket yet for the Mk III) in portrait orientation with the 45 TS-E mounted and shifted as needed.

Garrison Flag replicas in color

Garrison Flag replicas in faux PlatinumThe Prison in color

The Prison in faux Platinum

Technically correct

Not so artistically intesting.  Practice again.  This on the 5D Mk II (can't do this without the grip and RRS L-Bracket which are backordered for the Mk III) and the SmallHD DP-4 for focusing.  Shot with the 45 TS-E, in portrait orientation, manual exposure at f/11.0 at 1/80 of a second, ISO 100.  In the RRS macro rail (mounted sideways) with production stops set at 11mm to the left and right of center.  Six shots taken, two each at three positions.  The two shots were focused near and far and combined in Helicon Focus to increase the DOF.  The three images rendered by Helicon Focus were then flat stiched in Photoshop CS-6 as they were shot (i) left lens and camera rail shift 11mm (ii) no camera or lens shift and (iii) right lens and camera rail shift 11 mm.

Afterwards a shot of Velvia 50 emulation with Alien Skin Exposure 4, then Pro and Tonal Contrast with Nik Color Efex 4, noise reduction with Nik Define constrainted by a surface mask and sharpened with USM constrained by an edge mask.  Resulting image is about 1.75x the width of a normal portarit orientation snap on the 5D Mk II and would "contact" print at 300ppi at 21.7 x 17.5 inches (slightly cropped from the top only to a 5x4 aspect ratio).

Etude for DOF in Flat Stitch

Is better in faux infrared from Exposure 4.

Feeling shorter

Already delivered upon return from Hoboken was the SmallHD DP-4.  I have it mounted on the hot shoe of the 5D Mk III.  Got it for two purposes, the first is for serious tilt-shift structure photography ala the upcoming excursion to North Dakota and the second was to change the perspective on hand held shots, particularly on the street. The first, allthough so far mostly simulated hand held (tilted and shifted but not stiched) was pretty much no sweat from the beginning.  The street stuff more of a risk.  Other than the two to three seconds the screen blanks out after a shot, this configuration is great.  Now I finally have the perspective of a short Vivian Maier with a Rollieflex instead of 6'5" me with camera stuck to my face. Less intrusive for the subjects, far better angle of attack and forces a considerably more purposeful approach. And... so far everthing I have taken was with the 45 TS-E, all manual focus!  A bit bulky but not bad on the R-Strap. Been looking to solve this for a while — it causes some equipment asset rethinking but I am wild about the new POV.

5D Mk III, 45 TS-E f/2.8 @ f/8.0 focused with the SmallHD DP-4 mounted in the hot shoe, attached to a Black Rapid R-Strap shot from waist level. Very, very cool.

Unshifted and untilted handheld TS-E 45

This guy is looking past not at me. He is out of focus because they walked into my shot which was unshifted but tilted to get the fence/walls all in focus. Once again completely enamored over the new POV.

Unshifted but tilted TS-E 45

Not yet very speedy, so the left side of this snap is out from the tilt used to deal with the preceeding fence and walls but this HAD to be in with the pink (or whatever the name of that color is) hair. The dog pee on the right is perfectly focused however.

Erroneously tilted TS-E 45

Shifted but really only here becuase of Bertha's paint job!

Untilted, shifted TS-E 45

A bit out on the left but in any case the end of Fells Point for the day.

End of Fells Point

After B&H

The apotheosis of St. francis of Assisi — St. Francis of Assisi, West 31st Street, Manhattan

So... a quick trip into B&H this afternoon to get a battery charger to make sure tomorrow is not a snapless Wednesday.  Great conversation with Andrew, who sold me the stuff, about B'more, his daughter, the MICA grad, who stuck around to teach art at a charter school.

On the way back after some gastronimic drama, this popped out the 5D Mk III just before the Path. actually the last shot of the day.  5D Mk III, 35 f/1.4L, f/8.0 at 100 ISO, handheld.

On the Waterfront

Hoboken has alleys too. 5D Mk III, five Photmatix exposure fused bracketed snaps with the 35 f/1.4L at f/8.0. More than the old three snap bracket — big improvement over the Mk II.

One of the last snaps from a walk last night.  More to follow in the next post or two. BTW, didn't happen to spot Marlon (Brando) or Eva (Marie Saint).

Enough converging diagonal lines in this one — all leading the eye inexorably to the light at the end of the Alley. (Hah, such BS). Hmm, end of the alley, end of the tunnel.  OTWF ca 1954, Bien Bien Phu, spring 1954. Then Brando in Apoclypse Now.

Drunk man walking

Not drunk but camera on manual focus.  Anyway corner of Pratt and Collington Streets, outside of Salt.

Oh! Almost forgot first blog post with the 5D Mk III, produces really nice snaps.  This with the 35 1.4L at f/1.4 and ISO 4000.  Not sure what it is but they are just better looking than the 5D Mk II. Never would have considered ISO 4000 with the Mk II.

More Summer of '06

and another differnt attempt at toning.  Yet another Photoshop attempt this one using a gradient map instead of of a curve.  More complicated still not sure it is any better. 

Taken in August of 2006 at the Old Idaho Pennitentairy in Boise.


Never thoiught much of this window, taken on the Ogallala Nation Grassland in July 2006.  With some different post processing, I now like it, a lot.  Pretty much the same shooting parameters as the Tin Can House below.  I think I have at least one more from that trip that I can use this approach.  

A door to a bank in Berwyn.  The screen is a mess in this jpeg.

 The Bank

The Tin Can House

More OCD...  House siding made of flattened tin cans, Ogallala National Grass Lands in NW Nebraska.  July 2006. Canon 5D, 70-200 f/2.8 IS at 70mm, f/11.0, 1/80 on the Gitzo, late evening.  Used toning in Topaz rather than the NIk filter for this one, not sure it is right yet — looks a little green.



I have no stones in Orkneys in my catalog, so I offer instead Fort Laramie, WY in the path of a July (1996) thurderstorm.  Canon 5D with the 17-40 f/4.0L at about 25mm, ISO 100, f/16.0.

Alliance, Nebraska — the day before
