A convenient use of the Fiddler on the Roof/Sinatra lyrics to fit the circumstances. The first was taken yesterday morning, the second tonite. There was some notion of a stitching up a pano for tonite's snaps but no such synapse yesterday. Yesterday's were actually stitched after todays worked out ok. The sunrise pano is only two shots, that is why it is taller, I took a third snap but there is a gap between it and what would be the middle snap, so drat — only two images for the sunrise. The wider, sunset shot, is made up of three images. I had a notion of maybe getting a bonus pano but there wasn't much time as these sun up/down events come and go in a hurry. Certainly no time to grab a tripod, so I used the EVF grid lines to get the horizon more or less in the same place and moved fast and hoped I got the same exposure in AP mode. Worked out pretty well. Both panos with the A7r with the FE 55mm f/1.8 @ f/5.6. All were the first images shot out of a three shot bracket exposed at -2EV, horizontally for convenience. Stitched in Photoshop not in the A7r.
In keeping with my mantra, F the process, it is the outcome that counts. I think the outcome is just fine.
BTW, "contact" printed these things would be pretty big; 42x15 for Sunrise, 64x15 for Sunset. Next time I have a printing party, I think I will do Sunset. A new container of yellow ink just arrived from B&H last week.
Yesterday my AA asked if I had any extra prints laying around the house. Boy do I, finally an opportunity to get rid of some of this stuff, wait until she gets a framing estimate! Hah!
Sunrise 1/13/14
Sunset 1/14/14