wide like in... well wide. Clicked here to be zoomed to wide gallery.
Leaving on jet plane
North Dakota Cabañas
wide like in... well wide. Clicked here to be zoomed to wide gallery.
Leaving on jet plane
North Dakota Cabañas
like the Blue Moon I am drinking, tall. Click here to zoom to the tall gallery.
You are booked into the green room
Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates You got a brand new key
24 TS-E, 5D Mk II, three shot exposure blend.
'nuf said
on the 48th parallel. Five miles west of Rugby, ND
Shot from the knee (literly, not kneeling, camera hanging down by the knee), with the maestro Dan himself watching. 5D Mk III, very handheld, one shot amidst a brace.
ND homestead style. Not much more to say.
5D Mk II the tripod camera today. Bracketed, twice with the metering moved in between. 24 TS-E, f/11.0.
Maybe worth the price of admission. Certainly the photograph of my year — at least.
So here are the fifteen images I am taking to the North Dakota, Tillman Crane workshop. All printed on 13"x19" Epson Cold Press Natural (rough texture fine art paper). They are printed with a minumum 2" border and bottom weighted so there is lot of white space especially on the square images. All finished in a split tone faux platinum.
It was hard culling these out from 150,000 images taken since 2003. They turn out being from eight states (CO, KS, MD, ME, NE, PA, VA, WV), taken with four different cameras (Canon 10D, 5D, 5D MkII, 5D MkIII) in six different years (2005, 06, 07, 09, 11, 12).
So... after review by the editorial board at lunch today, three images are coming out. The bane of the editorial board, while remaining an all time favorite of the artist, the houses on the Ohio river, on Wheeling Island, WV. Out! Relaced by the Last Picture Show, not in Archer City, TX however, this in Dunning, NE.
The schoolhouse in Volland, KS out because, it really didn't make the cut technically, replaced by the Coca Cola machine from about sixty miles away in Cottonwood Falls, KS. The Florence, KS schoolhouse will be coming out as well, to be replaced by one of two shots from Maryland — Crystal Pool (2004) or the Linwood Grain Elevator (2006). Polls close later tonite. Both are posted in the gallery for the moment.
After further review,artists priveldge is being asserted and both Crystal Pool and the Linwood Grain elevator are staying in, Marietta, PA is coming out which will please the editorial board which only found interest in the light bulb. Done and dusted, unless there are some technical issues with the three new additions when printed.
Well... maybe dusted but not so done. Concluded that three tall images with signs was too much. So the Linwood Grain elevator bites the dust and is replaced by Leadville, CO (2006). Love the Ford in the alley.
Click on the contact sheet to be transported to the gallery. Click on a thumbnail there for the full size images.