Texas to Virginia. Somewhere in the McMurtry oeuvre, or tangentially to it, I discovered his DC/NOVA residence was in Waterford, VA. Web queries indicated a particularly attractive photo venue. So, in the anticipation of a wet weekend, it was off to Louden County, via Whites Ferry across the Potomac, for a Friday late afternoon session. Everthing in town was shot with the 45 TS-E in anticipation for the upcomming North Dakota trip but the first few of the day were outside of town and required a longer reach.
100-400 at 250mm from along the fence on Old Wheatfield Road. Cropped 16x9 full width to eliminate the excess and out-of-focus grass in the forground. Gotta love the Turkey Vulture on the right chimney.
39.187167N 77.658667W
The store
A door
John Wesley Methodist Church
Church Basement
John Wesley Methodist Church