at least the kind most would use to store photos. Storage to do airline reservations might be $100k per Terabyte but the stuff my snaps live on is about $65 per Terabyte. So that means it costs around 4¢ for 10 images including backup. Pretty cheap so why throw them away. More like why not keep them. I keep getting better at post processing and I keep getting better using software that is also getting better and the software is getting better a lot faster than I get better. So snaps that maybe didn't look so good when I took them have the potential to look a lot better a couple of years later. Kinda like booze, whiskey I think would taste like hell right after it was stuck in the barrel, ten to twenty years later maybe it is a great single malt. Anyway, I was looking a NikSoftware webinar for HDR Efex which I got to replace the difficult to use Photomatix so I went back through the archives and redid some old snaps. One thrice bracketed series from Fort Delaware in June of '09, and two from August '06; a single shot faux HDR from the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia and a set of nine bracketed snaps from the Old Idaho Penitentiary, in Boise.
Snaps post processed in HRD Efex then another pass in Color Efex with Tonal Contrast and then with Glamour Glow. Final tune up done in Aperture.
Anyway, I think these prove, that old is worth keeping around and old keeps getting better — kinda like stuffed peppers, hey!
Fort Delaware

Old Idaho Pennetentiary

Eastern State Pennetentiary