A trip through what the USGS calls 13d - the High Plains, at least part of the part in Eastern Colorado. First that and then Denver. Four days with snaps, here is the rota:
Day 1: Genoa, Arriba, Flagler, Siebert, Vona, Stafford
Day 2: Cheyenne Wells, Kit Carson, Wild Horse, Hugo, Denver (from Hotel)
Day 3: Kiowa, Calhan, Ramah, Simla, Matheson, Denver (Lo Do and Da Vita HQ)
Day 4: Denver (Colfax in Goosetown, a few residential snaps, a few in Cherry Creek)
Click on the snaps below to see the contact sheets - The captions indicate the days. Great weather, until the typical Colorado afternoon cloudbursts. All with the A7r and mostly with the Sony/Ziess 55 1.8. The Denver Lo Do snaps with the Nikon 20. Back to the grindstone early in the AM.
Slow uploads from the hotel, so likely another hour before they are all uploaded. Not very consistent with the thinly curated contact sheet approach.
Day 1: Vona, CO
Day 2: Cheyenne Wells, CO
Day 3: Ramah, CO
Day 4: Goosetown, Colfax Avenue, Denver