More Carrie Furnace

just to keep the blog items for getting too lengthy, see the prior two blog posts for the story.  The furnaces are going is going to require another trip in the fall, to make up for the battery fiasco.  That visit will have a different strategy, since the tour is not really a tour and tripods are OK, I'll bring the Gitzo and a rented 17 TS-E.  This place needs wide, really wide.  

Oh yeah, I forgot, I thought I had packed the 17-40 f/4.0L when I got there it turns out I packed the 35 f/1.4L — really clueless morning.  Anyway, fast but not really wide, especially on a crop camera like the 10D. Although I guess I could have put it on the 10D, gotten a 50mm equivalent and dropped the ISO.  DOF would likely been an issue and frankly given the grittiness of the furnaces the high ISO noise isn't much of a problem.

Yet, I am not unhappy with yesterdays snaps.  Thanks to being lucky with the XZ-1 being in the bag, with power and with a card and an old 10D.  What could have been nothing but a nine hour drive worked out OK.

Canon 10D, 70-200 f/2.8 IS, f/2.8, 75mm, ISO 800, bracketed off 1/640.  Two shots, no way I am good enough to handhold the over exposure steady.  Slight (low opacity) Midnight filter application.

Canon 10D, 70-200 f/2.8 IS, f/2.8, 75mm, ISO 800, bracketed 1/30 and 1/90.  As above only two shot. Again slight (low opacity) Midnight filter application.

Canon 10D, 24-70 f/2.8, f/8, 24mm, ISO 400, single shot.  Slight (low opacity) Midnight filter application, Topaz adjust, plus the regular stuff.