Cap'n Lords

My Kennebunkport accomodations.  Second floor front corner, fitiningly wrapping around the utility cables. With the 24 TS-E on the Gitzo.

The penultimate leftmost component of a in-room pano. Colors are going to be challenging, color cast from incandescent, compact flourescent, whatever. Fuax platinum perhaps. BTW, the bed is about as high as my 6'5" navel.

Next door, Cap'n Jefferds

Smitten with Evans...

Still on the Walker Evans kick.  Enough to divert to eastern Pennsylvania on the way back from Hoboken last week. Stopped in Easton at the Northampton Avenue Bridge to Phiillpsburg and St. Michael's Cemetary on Fourth Street in Bethlehem. The InstaTone neat tech in the Topaz Labs photoFXLab sems to have pretty much emulated the 30's black and white look based on the LOC images.  5D Mk III, 24 TS-E f/3.5L II.


According to Wikipedia:

The Trabant /trəˈbɑːnt/ is a car that was produced by former East German auto maker VEB Sachsenring Automobilwerke Zwickau in ZwickauSachsen. It was the most common vehicle in East Germany, and was also exported to countries both inside and outside the communist bloc.

Thy annual Trebant Rally began at the Spy Museum in DC today. It was the principal reason for today's outing, the earlier National Building Museum post reflects a side trip (all of four blocks).  Most with the 5D Mk III.

Factory Authorized Service

 Spies perhaps?

A Mini Woodie interloper

Cooler atop the Mini